
John Findley, a researcher and head of food science at the Louisiana State University (LSU) AgCenter Department of Food Science, along with graduate student Darryl Holliday have found a way to block bitterness, enabling the use of ingredients such as glycerin, ethanol and potassium salts.

As they knew that aspartame can block some of the bitterness of soy products, they decided to research other sweeteners for similar effect. They discovered that mongroside V, an intense, plant-derived sweetener, can mask many bitter tastes.

During Stevia Tasteful 2012 conference, which will be held in Paris in May 24, 2012, one of the hot topic is to present new strategies to hide or reduce tha after-taste of stevia.


If you are a researcher or a company involved in studies for stevia formulation, you can participate to the conference and present your recent innovations in stevia formulated products.


To know more about Stevia Tasteful 2012,

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