Dr Akira Hashida, Chairman of WSO is pleased to announce the organization of the 4th WSO Conference on Stevia 2012
: Food & Beverages Formulation - The Subtle Balance, in Paris on May 24th & 25th, 2012.
Food and Beverages Formulation: The Subtle Balance
Since authorization of stevia utilisation in food and beverages industries, industrials are very interested to use Stevia as natural sweetener. However, there if an important strain: taste and after-taste detected by consumer.
So the aim of WSO congress is to answer the following question: "How to limit and hide the after-taste of Stevia in Food & Beverages?"
It is why the scientific committee invites academic, experts and industrials to present their latest research, innovations and successes in products formulated with Stevia.
Call for Innovations
The most pertinent abstracts about innovations for stevia formulation are being selected now. So if you are interested to present your innovations, please send us your abstract before March 31.
Moreover, we attract your attention that the Scientific Committee will discern the award of the most innovative Stevia tasteful product.
Deadline for Oral Presentations Submission: March 31st
Deadline for Award Submission: March 31st
Stevia Tasteful 2012 Network Session and B to B Contacts
Don’t miss the Stevia Tasteful 2012 Network Session: the perfect place created for every actor in Stevia chain. It is the simplest way to be in touch with the right person when you want and when you need it the most.
Don’t hesitate and Sign up today for this opportunity to network with peers in industry and academia and discuss the latest developments and discoveries in infertility research.
Register by March 15 to save 100€!
To access to all information, please click here
To access to WSO Abstracts Books & Publications, please click here
We look forward to welcoming you in lovely Paris for this special event.
WSO Team
Paris Polyphenols 2012
Paris, June 7-8