The Tasting Procedure for Best Stevia Product/Extract of the Year
A special session “Best Stevia Product/Extract of the Year” is organized during Stevia Tasteful 2012.
The aim of this session is to display all stevia finished products available in European market and to offer the opportunity to attendees to judge the taste of each product.
The jury will be composed of Stevia Tasteful attendees and each member of the jury will have to fill in, separately and independently, a special tasting sheet which includes different parameters.
The tasting procedure is, on the one hand, based on the sensory analysis such as the general taste of the product, the aroma, appearance, flavour, mouth feel or any other organoleptic criteria. On the other hand, it takes into account other parameters which are important to the customer such as clear information on the ingredients, the packaging, is it easy to prepare, directions for use...
In order to guarantee a fully objective judgment, all the scores given by the different jury members are added up and averaged to a final percentage.
This is not simple blind tasting but an overall assessment of the quality of the product presented including the ingredients used.
More information available by clicking here.
If you are a company interested to compete for the “Voted Stevia Product of the Year”, please contact us to display your products.
Report of the best Selling Stevia Products in Japanese Market
The World Stevia Organisation, in collaboration with the Japanese Antioxidants Society, the best selling stevia Products in Japanese Market.
If you are interested to know the non-exhaustive list of finished products with stevia, please dowload the Best Selling Stevia Products in the Japanese Market Report .
For more information, please contact us.