Buyer, seller, extractor, productors and all members of Stevia chain, you are truly welcomed to join WSO to make the change happened together.
The World Stevia Organisation can provide you:
- The extraction processes of the stevia sweeteners,
- The food products applications of stevia sweeteners,
- Technology transfer of stevia processing.
- Contacts and Networks in Stevia Fields
- Be in touch with buyer, seller, producers, extractors following you need.
- and a lot more...
Becoming member of WSO, permits you to have:
- discount fees for all WSO Congress;
- a WSO congress report for free;
- the chance to participate to WSO Network Session;
- but above all, it's an opportunity to develop your business.
If you want to join the journey, be part of WSO members, you will find all the necessary information just below.
Registration information
Registration will be open to any person, irrespective of place of residence and will be submitted to approval of the Committee.
Subscription to WSO gives you:
- Discount prices on registration for conferences organized by WSO.
- You will automatically receive the WSO newsletter by email.
- Your contact and field of interest will be added in Stevia Business to Business Book.
- You will be have the privilege to participate to WSO Network Session.
To join WSO Members, please contact us.
If your company would like to join WSO Members, please contact us to know the privileged prices.